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(revised April 2016)

Article I--Time and Place of Meetings
The time and place of meetings of Beta shall be decided upon only after consultation with, and upon the approval of, the executive head of Houston County High School.
The time of the regular meetings of this chapter of National Senior Beta shall be during the regular school session on the second Tuesday of every month.  Special sessions may need to be designated in the event of conflict or for organization of special committees.
Article II--Quorum
A quorum of this organization shall be constituted by a majority of the membership. No action may be taken which is binding upon the membership unless a quorum is present. However, certain matters—such as a discussion of means of taking in new members, the presentation of a program, etc.—may be carried on at a regular or special meeting without a quorum being present.
Article III--Standards of Membership
Standards of membership in the Junior and Senior Beta must conform to the general features as laid down in the national constitution, and in all cases must be approved by the principal of the high school.
The classes from which members may be drawn shall be English, math, social studies, and science.  These will be referred to as “core classes” from this point forward.  Spring induction for Junior Beta is open to eligible students in grades 6-7.  Spring induction for Senior Beta is open to eligible students in grades 8-11.
The scholastic requirements for membership in Beta shall be three consecutive grade reports of 85% or higher in each core class.  Potential candidates must be enrolled at WE or HCHS for one complete semester before applying.  Honor classes will not be weighted and duel enrollment classes will not be considered.
Students that have reported to Alternative School during the current school year may NOT be considered.
Article IV--Induction of Members
The induction of new members into the membership of this chapter of Beta shall be one of dignity appropriate to the ideals of the organization. Any pre-induction initiation activity must be submitted to and approved by the principal. It must not be of a nature to cause physical pain or mental embarrassment to the initiate.
Article V--Loss of Membership
A member of this chapter of National Beta may be dropped from membership if his/her scholastic record falls below 80% in any of his/her core classes.
A member of this chapter of National Beta may be dropped from membership if his/her service record is incomplete by the first Tuesday in May.
A member of this chapter of National Senior Beta may be dropped from membership if he/she displays a conflict in classroom, school, bus, or community discipline.  A student who is assigned I.S.S. the first time will receive a written warning from the advisor.  A second I.S.S. assignment in any academic year may result in dismissal pending faculty review.  Members who have been to alternative school or suspended will be under the immediate review of the faculty committee.  The faculty committee may recommend suspension, probation, permanent removal, or a combination of these punishments.

If and when a member is dropped from membership, a record of this action shall be relayed to the national office of National Junior/Senior Beta immediately.  Membership dues are nonrefundable in the event of voluntary or involuntary withdrawal of membership.  A student may NOT reapply after membership has been lost.

Article VI--Service Project
As soon as possible after its activation in the fall semester of the school year, this chapter of National Senior Beta will undertake a program of service which will be of benefit to HCHS. This project shall be decided upon only after consultation with, and upon approval of, the executive head of the school.  All members are expected to help with group service projects.
Each member is required to participate in ten (10) hours of at least one (1) pre-approved service project per year.  Failure to provide proof of service will result in disciplinary measures.
Article VII--Local Dues and Assessments
The local dues of each chapter of National Beta shall be a one-time fee of $15.  This fee is required of both the Martha Nell Rogers Chapter (grades 6-7) and the Clarkie-Whatley Chapter (grades 8-11).  This fee is nonrefundable in the event of self-withdrawal or disciplinary removal from Beta.
Assessments may be made upon the membership to defray the costs of special undertakings.
Article VIII—Beta Officers
Officers will be president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer.  Officers will be elected each May.  Candidates will be selected by a nominating committee and nominations from the floor.  New officers will be installed during the Induction Ceremony.
President will be a senior.  He/she will preside at all meetings, select committees, and serve as a liaison between faculty, membership, and the community.

The vice-president will preside at meetings in the president’s absence, help plan programs for meetings, and keep and organize documentation of chapter and individual service projects.

The secretary will take minutes at the meetings, handle all chapter correspondences, newsletters, and announcements, and verify that each member stays in good academic standing each nine weeks.

The duty of the treasurer is to assist the sponsor in handling all money in the chapter.
Article IX--Amending the By-Laws
The by-laws of these chapters of National Beta may be amended by a majority vote of the membership, provided such proposed amendment is placed before the club at a previous meeting.